Looking for a job in optometry doesn’t have to be difficult.
There are many opportunities, but finding the right fit is important for your job satisfaction. Finding corporate optometry positions that match your qualifications and are welcoming to new graduates is the easy part.
Making your resume stand out compared to other applicants is more difficult but doing so will give you a leg up on the competition.
LinkedIn is one social media network that excels in professional networking and job search and is widely used by recruiters. Creating your LinkedIn profile is great way to put your name out there for recruiters to search and find you, often even before an opportunity is posted.
The trick is to design your resume cleverly so as to at least get the initial call of the interview. The resume would basically serve as the foot in the door for you. It will give the recruiter a brief overview of who you are and your qualifications and achievements. Even the most subtle of changes or incorporation of words will make a difference in the eyes of the one reading your resume.
Details Matter
Each word, each colour and formatting choice used to create your resume has a larger impact than you could possibly imagine. For example, choosing a dark blue colour adds an element of sophistication and professionalism to your resume. Similarly, the colour red gives the impression of a person being energetic, vibrant, social, and confident. This is called “personal branding.” Because the colour of your resume is the first thing that attracts the eye of the recruiter, they will read on with the colour etched into their minds.
The next, and the most important, step to undertake is to customize the CV according to the job you are applying for. This does not mean that you have to misrepresent your experience or achievements. It does mean, however, that you align your CV with the job description. For example, if the job description says “we are searching for someone who is looking to provide highest quality of care to our patients” then you should write “detail oriented” in your skills section.
Also be aware of the jargon that is used in your industry. This will help you tremendously since it will give the recruiters the impression that you have already started to try your hand in the field. In addition, some recruiters filter resumes looking for specific keywords.
Geo-flexibility Helps
You should also show that you’re open to moving locations whenever required. A lot of times ODs are apprehensive about moving locations, and this might give you an advantage.
You should also let the recruiters know that you work well in teams and are a good leader when required.
With this information you should be prepared with a strong resume that will land you the corporate optometry position you’ve been searching for.
Happy job hunting!
is the founder of Corporate Optometry, a peer-to-peer web resource for ODs interested to learn more about opportunities in corporate optometry. Canadian ODs and optometry students can visit www.corporateoptometry.com to learn more.